First update: Where have I been?


It’s time to make an update. I honestly don’t know where to start right now. I don’t think I have enough words that could actually explain all that happened in since the end of 2016 when I first started being less and less active until fully stopping in June 2017. But, let me try and start.

What happened?

The first thing you most definitely noticed is that I lost my domain, (please do not even visit the site), thanks to my old hosting service – eHost, JustHost, GoDaddy and HugeDomains. The story is so complicated, confusing, heartbreaking and long that I would have to write a complete article just about that (which I might, I really don’t want anyone to go through the same things I had to go through). So yeah, is the new domain that no one knows and I lost my 500+ visits per day that I worked so hard for because of that.


Well, now let me go to January 2017, the month that started it all. For you to understand it, I need to go back to September 2016. In September, I started my university and January happened to be the first semester’s exams time, which was hard as I failed one exam and almost failed another one. The summer semester was way harder than the winter one (at least for me), so I started having less and less free time for other things I wanted to do (such as my blog), yet I kept forcing some time in. Moving on, during the summer of 2017 (after exams time), I lost my motivation to continue writing. I felt so drained and exhausted, my brain couldn’t concentrate on anything anymore and I got writer’s block. I just couldn’t find any words to use to describe anything as well as I did in 2016.

And then a new winter semester arrived. School started being really hard for me and I slowly stopped enjoying the subjects I chose and started to doubt my choice of major (that being physics). Also, I met a person I fell in love with for the first time in 6 years. Me, having no clue what to do or how to deal with those feelings, I started going to sleep at 4 am just to talk to him for longer which caused my sleeping pattern to mess up.


Switching to 2018, another exams time came by and I was just sleep-deprived, couldn’t concentrate on anything and unsurprisingly, I failed all my exams. This and also problems at my mom’s work forced me to take a one-year break from school. What were the problems? My mom’s a doctor and her new nurse decided to throw a tantrum and not attend work anymore because my mom wasn’t satisfied with her work. So, I had to go there instead until the contract would be finished and my mom could hire a new nurse. Don’t ask me about the legal things about this, it’s very confusing and annoying. In the meanwhile, the person I had a crush on and I started dating, yey!

I started playing video games more to kill time and relax from all the problems I had to deal with, f.e. being an assistant and constantly talk to new people when I have social anxiety was really hard for me. With that, I started streaming, which was amazing for the first 3 months. In May, I got so drained, that I stopped enjoying it and needed a break. My mom finally got a nurse so I was free, however, I just couldn’t do anything.

Before May happened, guess what happened? March and April and the issues with my website hosting! As I stated above, I don’t want to talk about it too much because it just… was a lot on me and I don’t really think I’m ready to talk about it openly. Maybe in a few months. However, this experience made me so done that even the slightest motivation to continue with blogging just disappeared.

And now we’re here.

What is going to happen?

First off, I changed my design, finally! This took me many hours because I’m just so picky and I loved my old design. But it’s time to move on and get a fresher start.

Next up, I would love to go back to beauty reviews as I loved writing and I still do. I got a new DSLR and a new (proper) lightbox a few months ago, so I’m ready to take those pics! Hopefully, I can get to where I was before this all happened and can continue posting more reviews and updates.

To end this all, for now, thank you for your time reading all this and I hope you can bear with me. If you’d like to get in touch with me, leave a comment or contact me through my form and I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can!

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